Poet laureate Simon Armitage said in August, “This is a time when poetry seems to be really having its moment, because of the comfort, consolation and form of expression that people have found in poetry over these months.” And we can’t agree more. When many of us are struggling to concentrate on long forms of writing, a poem can be just the spark we need to capture and soothe our hearts and minds.
With National Poetry Day just around the corner, we’ve decided to throw the spotlight on our poetry shelves, to give you an insight into what’s on our shelves right now.
Settle is very lucky to have a thriving poetry community. Settle Sessions Poetry, in normal times, organises readings, workshops and competitions – see http://www.settlesessionspoetry.co.uk/ During lockdown many supporters of the group came together to produce an inspiring collection of poetry, now available in our shop for just £5.

Naked Eye Publishing, based in Settle, also produce high quality poetical work – much of it by local authors. See – http://nakedeyepublishing.co.uk/ We currently have work by Sue Vickerman and Jean Stevens in stock, including Jean’s latest publication ‘Nothing But Words’.

Mike Harding – who many of you may know for his folk music, also writes poetry, and on our shelves we have two of his collections, ‘Cosmos Mariner’ and ‘Fishing for Ghosts’.

We also have work by some of poetry’s biggest titans: Simon Armitage, Lemn Sissay, Pam Ayres, Seamus Heaney, Andrew Motion, to name but a few. Why not pop in to see what gems you can find?
And if you’re looking for something to inspire the younger members of your family, we can offer these two gorgeous collections: