Can you believe we opened our doors a year ago? Neither can we! And what a first year it’s been. We’ve had some amazing highs.
Our very first day, with local authors Diane Allen, Julia Chapman and Leah Fleming, will always be special to us. It was incredible to have their support, and their enthusiasm was infectious. All of the customers we saw on that day were fantastic too, and they seemed to be almost as excited as we were!
The Christmas lights switch on was another special day. We helped hundreds of shoppers find books for friends and family, and the atmosphere in the shop was so festive and fun. We were aided and abetted by local author Jane Fenwick who came in to talk about her Gothic novel ‘Never the Twain’, and local poet Sue Vickerman who introduced customers to her poetry collection ‘Adventus’.
We started our shop book club in January and it’s been going from strength to strength. We’ve read a huge variety of books from the worlds of fact and fiction, and we’re already planning our reading list for 2021.
We also managed to hold a few events – more about these later – before Covid put a stop to them. It was something we’d been keen to do right from the outset, and we hope to be able to reintroduce these as soon as we’re able.
Sadly, like all businesses, we have suffered the huge blow of Covid lockdown. We were devastated when we had to close our doors and things were definitely tough. But thanks to so many supportive customers who continued to order books from us via email and telephone, we managed to keep our head just above the waterline. We were relieved to be able to re-open in the middle of June.
We’re still very happy in our little shop even though things have changed. We love seeing customers, giving book recommendations (whether they’re asked for or not!), but one of our favourite things to do is collude with mischievous friends and partners to source special surprise presents. Whether it be for a birthday or anniversary, we’ve been happy to help.
But Limestone Books wouldn’t exist without the people of Settle and the surrounding area. We feel extremely lucky to have our shop here, and even more so that customers have taken us to their hearts. We hope to be serving you for many years to come. Here’s to the highs of year two.